Something really cool happened today! Someone was routed to my little blog from Korea! I'm not all that sure how that happened but the site which brought the traffic was a pretty neat one! I don't know how my site figured in all this but I shall return the favour hopefully! :p I don't really promote my blog I realized because I think people will find it weird. Not if they didn't know me but! I wonder how that works? I started another blog a few years ago! Metallicroc it was called! I think I shall revive that! I need a time table now since I've joined CAT Classes, I have Rotaract to manage, I have work, I need to exercise and I need to spend time with my friends! I also need to brainstorm about how I'm going to make those millions of bucks so I can own my castle Ref: Last post. It has to be linked to the internet that seems obvious! Everything is online! I myself spend a lot of time money and energy(not so much energy) online. I like Etsy's concept on how they have created their website. It's so nice and mellow the whole thing. Something like that would be nice. So while I try out various opportunities please bear with me. I will of course keep you my readers informed of my doing abouts so lets all pray that I figure out which one will click. I've decided to make to spruce up my blog with pictures eveytime so look forward to that!
For today but I have no relevant pictures so I shall settle with a picture of Paul, A Kite that my friend and I rescued after it literally fell out of the sky!
For today but I have no relevant pictures so I shall settle with a picture of Paul, A Kite that my friend and I rescued after it literally fell out of the sky!