Wednesday, 29 August 2012

I hereby promise to post once in a week at least!

Something really cool happened today! Someone was routed to my little blog from Korea! I'm not all that sure how that happened but the site which brought the traffic was a pretty neat one! I don't know how my site figured in all this but I shall return the favour hopefully! :p I don't really promote my blog I realized because I think people will find it weird. Not if they didn't know me but! I wonder how that works? I started another blog a few years ago! Metallicroc it was called! I think I shall revive that! I need a time table now since I've joined CAT Classes, I have Rotaract to manage, I have work, I need to exercise and I need to spend time with my friends! I also need to brainstorm about how I'm going to make those millions of bucks so I can own my castle Ref: Last post. It has to be linked to the internet that seems obvious! Everything is online! I myself spend a lot of time money and energy(not so much energy) online. I like Etsy's concept on how they have created their website. It's so nice and mellow the whole thing. Something like that would be nice. So while I try out various opportunities please bear with me. I will of course keep you my readers informed of my doing abouts so lets all pray that I figure out which one will click. I've decided to make to spruce up my blog with pictures eveytime so look forward to that!

For today but I have no relevant pictures so I shall settle with a picture of Paul, A Kite that my friend and I rescued after it literally fell out of the sky! 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

My dreams of Lordship

Have you ever wondered why you have never been able to join the gym? Or ever been able to write that book you've always dreamt of penning?  It just so happens that I have had the exact same dream. But I am not going to publish it to the world just yet. Let me publish it first so that nobody can steal my idea. I'm sure there are already tons of people who want to steal from the beautiful mind that I have. I wonder if my blog will one day spark a high traffic debate and I get a million bucks from ad sales! That would be awesome! I can picture it now if i squint my eyes -__- ! I'm planning on buying a castle... But I'll need a few more million bucks for that! And if I'm gonna drop a few million pounds it better well look like a castle otherwise what is the point?! I say pounds because all the awesome castles are in Europe. France also has a healthy number of castles which surprised me! Feudalism was one of the only chapters in History that I liked. Although nobody reads my blog just yet I'd love for you to give me your feed back on which castle I should buy. Don't worry! Take your time! I've got plenty of time myself! My ideal castle would look something like this: . The first few I wouldnt mind buying. Please do advise. I'm sure it is understandable then that I also love dragons.

This is as close as I got to owning a real dragon! It's made out of wood and I'm painting it for that "real" effect. Ever since the 4th book in Harry Potter where Ron gets a mini Krum and a the mini Hungarian Horntail out of a bag, I've always wanted to own one. The Dragon ... not Krum. But the idea of miniature things has always facinated me. I in fact practically stole my friends miniature sword that she got from Japan. I say Practically because she actually traded it for something that I stole from somebody else who deserved it. But It's really cool! It's a metalic blunt sword with a metallic sheath with a red dragon on it! It is really cool trust me... I'd attach a picture but I'm at work, and I want to post this now... So I won't attach it. But I attached something else already so it's ok. My girlfriend is already a Lady at Dunans castle. She got that awesome Laird or Lady giftbox! I'm so jealous!