Monday, 17 October 2011

Where does all the money go?

There is something about money that makes me not want to have it. As soon as I feel money jingling around in my pocket I get an irresistible urge to spend it right then and there. It doesn’t really matter how much it is, it doesn't even matter what it is that I am buying (for example I just bought a huge inflatable sledge hammer last Saturday .... wtf) I think it's because I just know I can. A perfect example which I'm sure many people might confer upon would be coffee joints (CafĂ© coffee day in my case) who more often than not become the unworthy benefactors of this wretched impulse. The thing is their coffee is horribly bland and over priced. I hate it. Yet I find myself picking stuff up from there time and time again! I wonder if this is a common problem for most of us. My dear friend Manish Pande bought, on impulse, a rather awesome, but also rather expensive Tommy Hilfiger watch! It's pretty cool and well it all comes down to whether or not the coffee tastes better. But it doesn't :S So at the end of this pee , I'm still confused.

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