Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Compulsive lying, and resolutions!

Link perhaps? We just got over the most lying conniving bastardly months of the year. January. Everybody I know lied to me, wrote speeches about it and flooded my news feed with all sorts of promises which they've broken already. It's no wonder that I hate new years day. First of all, it's considered a crime not to be doing something on that particular day. People ask me as early as October what my plans for New Years is. I mean come on! How can one expect me to plan so much ahead? I'm no Obama. Second of all, if for some odd reason you concede to celebrating the day, you have to hear people lie. Resolution upon resolution, each more ridiculous than the last. Rishabh as usual told me that he was going to join gym again, I promised myself I would read a new book, another told me she would quit smoking. 

It's February now, we've all washed our hands, and our promises went down the drain. So what is it about this season that makes us compulsively lie so much? Why not come up with a new better tradition, like giving our time to the less fortunate? Ah! Enlightenment. 

Although this all sounds good on my blog, I know for a fact that in 10 months I'm going to be doing the same thing again and so are you. But remember one thing. Santa is too busy to keep an eye on you in December, and is too old to remember what you did pre-November, so it's ok. 

No offense. 

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